The Path Of Delusional Thinking Leads To Dead Ends

The great danger of deception is one does not know they have been deceived unless something opens their eyes to the truth.

Jesus said, “If, therefore, the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness” (Matthew 6:23).

Strong delusion comes in various forms.

I have spoken to young and older Individuals who appears to be struggling simply with life difficulties. Some may be struggling with symptoms of depression , some are struggling with poor or impaired decision making skills and some are struggling with hopelessness and some are struggling with a series of unhealthy relationships.

Their struggles are real. Their coping skills are fractured. These individuals believe that smoking marijuana daily and throughout the day is the remedy, the fix. I have heard people say “it takes my problems away”. I have had several individuals say “nothing is wrong with smoking weed it’s not a drug” I have heard individuals further justify there flawed behaviors by saying “ you see , in your generation it was not acceptable but now it’s acceptable and this has made it ok and undrug like.”

Let’s gain a clear understanding of what it means to have delusional thinking.

A delusion is a fixed belief that is not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence.[1] As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information.

To be clear , whatever name you choose to call marijuana ( Pot, Weed, Grass, Herb, Joint, Mary Jane)
IT IS A DRUG. And will always be known as a DRUG.

The main psychoactive(mind-altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects that people seek, is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

You asked well what is a drug “A drug is any substance that causes a change in an organism’s physiology or psychology when consumed.”

Therefore as much as regular users would like to think that marijuana is an entirely harmless drug, or claim it really is not a drug. The effects are real. The consequences of Marijuana use has not only been linked with a significant number of short-term psychosocial problems—including problems with school, work, family, friends, and the law—but is also associated with several longer-term medical and mental health risks. Problems with brain development. When people begin using marijuana when they are young, the drug may reduce memory, attention, and learning functions and affect how the brain constructs links between the areas in the brain that are necessary for those functions. The effect on these abilities may last a long time or even be permanent.

  • Respiratory problems. Marijuana smoke irritates the lungs and can cause the same breathing problems as those experienced by tobacco smokers, including regular coughing, more frequent lung illness, and a higher chance of lung infections.
  • Problems with child development during and after pregnancy.
  • Increased mental health problems risk. Frequent use and high-dosage use may cause disorientation or disagreeable thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia. Marijuana users are also more likely to develop temporary psychosis and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia.
  • I see the consequences of the effects of marijuana use daily with the individuals we serve. It is truly strong delusion at play. Any drug used, encourages individuals avoid their issued. So individuals choose to note cope with life difficulties and choose to anesthes their pain ,problems and Life difficulties with marijuana.

It is strong delusional thinking when you choose to call your wrong right. Because you chose not to change. You endorse your unhealthy choices of life then justify your actions with a flawed belief system that leads to further waywardness. However, free will is your choice. However , you can choose to live daily.
If you desire to.

The great danger of deception is one does not know they have been deceived unless something opens their eyes to the truth.

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