Admissions Process Overview
We are sensitive to the fact that seeking treatment for addiction or mental health concerns can be not only intimidating but also anxiety-provoking. For this reason, we strive to alleviate any sense of discomfort or apprehension and make sure that you feel confident in the decisions that you make.
We aim to transition you into our programming with an undeniable certainty that your care, wellness, and safety will be our top priority.
Your sense of security and confidence in the decision you have made by contacting Restore will begin with the admissions process. Our admissions specialists are available16 hours a day, seven days a week in order to ensure that we are available at whatever time you need us. After 5:30 all contact is shifted to our peer support line at (907) 888-2377.
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We understand that the energy of a place can directly impact an individual’s feelings of comfort.

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(907) 374-1097
Intensive Outpatient Services offers an intensive outpatient program (IOP), designed to prevent inpatient hospitalization or to provide a step-down level of care for individuals who have completed either inpatient treatment or partial hospitalization program (PHP) and who can benefit from continued professional support prior to returning home.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know I'm An Addict?
Addiction’s primary characteristic is its ability to focus your attention on drugs or alcohol at the expense of all other pursuits. Many addicts find that they care only about getting high, or can’t focus on anything else if they’re not under the influence. Other common symptoms of addiction include lying to others about your drug use, getting into legal trouble because of drugs or alcohol, stealing, experiencing depression or anxiety, difficulty concentrating without drugs or alcohol, and hearing from family or friends that you should seek help.
What Can I Do To Support An Addicted Loved One
If someone you love struggles with addiction, do not enable the addiction by paying his or her rent, giving money for drugs, or ignoring the addiction. Instead, set clear boundaries and then stick with them. If you want your loved one to seek treatment, an intervention may encourage him or her to do so.
How Can Restore Help Me?
Restore offers holistic, comprehensive addiction care. Each of our guests has access to a therapist, a medical team, and lots of peer support in the form of 12-step programs. We also offer nutritional counseling, yoga, meditation, and other services designed to maximize your chances of recovery. To learn more about our services, feel free to click around on our site.
Does Rehab Really Work?
Rehab is the gold standard in addiction treatment, and people who attend rehab are significantly more likely to get and stay sober. The reason for this is simple: rehab blends the most effective treatment options with a safe, sober living environment. You’ll have access to therapy, medical assistance, group support, educational programs, and a host of holistic living options designed to make the journey toward sobriety just a bit easier.